Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Wren's Nest

Mason and I started a Social Studies unit on Black History month, and to mix things up a little, we visited The Wren's Nest in the Historic West End of Atlanta for story-telling.

The Wren's Nest was once the home of Joel Chandler Harris – author of the Uncle Remus tales. The home was dubbed "The Wren's Nest" because a wren had built her nest in the mailbox of the home.

The home was transformed into a museum in 1913 and was registered as a National Historic site in 1978. It still maintains all of its Victorian-era charm on the inside and out.

The storyteller was animated and engaged the audience in all of his wonderful Brer Rabbit stories. To preserve the history, he told his stories in the dialect of the slaves that would have shared these stories on the southern plantations. It was truly an experience to be had!

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