Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Color and Pattern Practice

As an artist, it pains me to hear about schools cutting the arts out of their budgets. Art is all around us and in everything we see, hear and do. It's shameful that the arts are considered less than important because the value can't be quantified on a standardized test.

Since we are homeschooling Mason, his former teacher and I have had the privilege of teaching a curriculum that caters to Mason's needs AND interests. He loves music and creating colorful artwork. So, why not incorporate what he likes into an assignment he'll learn from AND enjoy? Perfection.

The premise of the project was to decorate one piece of the pie with a geometrical pattern, lots of color and to incorporate your name in the design.

Once the piece of pie was completed to his satisfaction, he photocopied the pie 4 times and taped all of the pieces together. As you can see, my geometry was off a bit and he had 1/8 of a piece of pie left when it was all put together. Woops. We'll start on geometry and how to figure an entire pie sometime soon...

He was able to copy a 1/8 piece from the project I had done to fill in his gap...

Viola! A beautiful, colorful, geometric masterpiece! This was a lot of fun...we may revisit again.

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